Welcome to the Administration, Finance, & Auxiliaries Management Community of Practice. We provide directors, assistant directors, and others in the administration, finance, and auxiliaries side of student affairs a place to network, share resources, and work together to improve campus community.
last person joined 16 hours ago
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Welcome to the Campus Programs and Events Community. Here you will find resources to support your event planning and programming needs. Ask advice, share best practices, and receive support.
last person joined 2 days ago
Welcome to the Catholic Colleges Community of Practice, where professionals working in religious institutions can help one another navigate the special needs of our group.
last person joined one month ago
Welcome to the Commuter Campuses Community of Practice. This community is specifically tailored to address the unique needs and challenges encountered by individuals working in colleges and universities whose primary student population travels to and from campus from a non-campus owned property. This community creates a supportive space to share insights, discuss best practices, and navigate the distinctive dynamics of commuter academic environments.
The DEI Community is designed to promote equity in campus policies and procedures, spotlight member achievements, highlight cultural and historic events, and understand impacts of current events that impact inclusion and belonging efforts at member institutions.
Welcome to the Emergency Management Community of Practice. Our purpose is to examine long- and short-term, action-based efforts to facilitate and encourage a constructive approach to emergency management, as well as to discuss best practices for emergency preparedness, general safety measures, response, and effective training in college unions and on campuses.
last person joined 19 days ago
Welcome to the Facilities and Operations Community of Practice. If you work in any aspect of facilities and/or operations, feel free to use this community to get and share resources, problem solve with peers, and network with others in similar positions.
last person joined 7 days ago
Welcome to the Graduate Students and New Professionals Community of Practice. We help one another with career development and forging relationships with experienced members in the field who help us grow.
last person joined 20 days ago
Welcome to the International Student Unions Community of Practice, where we strive to develop global competence and empower the "I" in ACUI.
last person joined 2 months ago
Welcome to the Leadership and Service Education Community of Practice, where we find and share resources, ideas, and discussions regarding growing leaders on campuses.
last person joined 17 hours ago
Welcome to the LGBTQ+ Community of Practice. You are welcome here regardless of your pronouns, sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, or sexual preferences. Allies and topics of intersectionality are welcome, too.
last person joined 15 days ago
Welcome to the Marketing for the Campus Community of Practice. Share your resources, ideas, questions, and issues surrounding all things marketing on the campus.
last person joined 6 days ago
Welcome to the Multi-Ethnic Professionals and Allies Community of Practice. This community welcomes people of color, people who identify as a non-majority ethnicity or biracial, and allies. Find a community of support and empowerment here.
Welcome to the On-Campus Recreation and Leisure Community of Practice, where you share best practices, get advice on new equipment or issues, share training resources, and network with others involved in campus-based rec and leisure.
Welcome to the Seasoned Professionals and Retirees Community of Practice. If you are a seasoned professional or retiree, you have a wealth of experience to share with those newer to the profession. This community gives you a place to influence the profession for years to come.
Welcome to the Small Schools Community of Practice. This community focuses on the special needs and issues experienced by people who work at small colleges and universities (defined as less than 5000 FTE).
last person joined 3 months ago
This community of practice is focused on meeting students' basic needs: establishing food pantries that are student managed and staff driven.
Welcome to the Student Employee Supervisors Community of Practice. You can find and share student employee training and supervision resources, discussions, and networking here.
Welcome to the Student Organization Advisors Community of Practice, where you can see and share resources and discussion related to student organizations and network with other student organization advisors.
Welcome to the Sustainability Community of Practice. You can find and share resources, discussions, and tips surrounding sustainability on campus, as well as network with others interested in this topic.
last person joined 13 days ago